Saturday, May 26, 2018

June TALISMAMA Crystal Creator Box

TALISMAMA Crystal Creator Subscription Box - May

This subscription box can be purchased HERE.

Here comes the SUN!

The longest day of the year is upon us - on June 21st. So this box is comprised with elements to inspire your celebration of this High Holiday! What does the longest day of the year represent to you? How does life change in the summer? Does your relationship to mundane activities change? Do you take a holiday? Do you travel? See more friends? Do you have more fun? More sex? Do you participate in more self-care? Spend more time in nature? Do you loose or let go of anything that you carried through the winter months? These are great questions to answer for yourself to come into mindfulness about the Summer Solstice and how it effects your life. 

Since January you've been focussing on your goals in a wide variety of areas in your life. 
Where are things now? Take a moment to write down the accomplishments of your last 6 months. Can you absorb and celebrate your achievements? Look back at your Law of Attraction planner and see how your growth unfolded day-by-day and month-by-month.

For a really in-depth plunge into the meaning and energy of the Summer Solstice I highly suggest reading this great article by Mystic Mamma:

Solstice ritual:

(Tools needed: Pen, Fig Leaf, Hemp Oil, Rose and Sunstone Rejoice Blessed Candle, Oak Barrel Incense, cauldron or ceramic bowl, Crystal Grid with Sunstones and Rose Quartz, LOA Planner, Glitter)
  1. Take a moment (preferably outside) to light your REJOICE candle and burn your Oak Barrel Cider incense. 
  2. Take 2 squirts of Hemp Oil and close your eyes and spend time sitting with the feelings that arise when you think about the last 6 months. 
  3. Think about your loved ones. How do you provide support and love for them? 
  4. Think about your career. How do you bring your life's mission into the work that you do each day? 
  5. Think about your body. How do you relish and honor the beautiful, amazing vessel your soul inhabits? 
  6. Think about the planet. How do you connect with nature? How do you shine love out into the world? 
  7. Think about the cosmos. How do you make sense of the unknown? 
  8. Think about the dead. How do you stay in contact with those who have passed on? 
  9. Think about the living. Consider the miracle that it is to be alive. 
  10. Now open your eyes and write down your achievements since January onto your Fig Leaf. 
  11. Read each achievement aloud to yourself and after ever achievement thank yourself and thank the universe.
  12. Bring the Fig Leaf to your heart and thank your highest self. Be grateful for your amazing life.
  13. Leave your Fig Leaf out in the sun to communicate your achievements to the cosmos. *Once it's dry burn in a fire.
  14. At your altar (bring your candle, if you need to move spaces) place your Crystal Grid down where it calls to be placed and begin to design your crystals in a way that sings to you the most and feels the most alive with energy. 
  15. Look at your Grid with your hands at prayer position and take in the energy of your Crystal Grid. What is it saying to you today? 
  16. Write whatever insights come to mind on the Idea/Gratitude space in your LOA Planner for the month of July.
  17. Sprinkle some glitter on top of your grid as a way of sending that magick forth into your month and into your next 6 months.
  18. Take a deep breath and fill your heart with the energy you have created and then blow out your candle.
  19. Visit your Crystal Grid often and repeat 15-18.
Blessed Be!
What's in the Box? And what do I do with it?

  • Prime My Body Hemp Oil: Use like butter - that is, often and with everything ;)! It goes in your mouth and you hold it there for 60 seconds so that it can be absorbed into your bloodstream. You can also use on your skin for aches and pains - just rub a few drops into the area and enjoy the relief that comes a few mins later.
  • Sweet Lovin, Gem & Flower Elixir, Bright Spark - I Thrive: Deep internal magick medicine that communicates to your subtle body. Let Bright Spark awaken your inner sunlight and personal power to a new level! Read this article for great info on this delicate yet powerful plant medicine:
  • Oak Barrel Cider Incense: Oak is honored at the Solstice and Burn throughout June to bring forth the festive energies of the Solstice.  *Save one to throw into a Solstice bon-fire to make for a fragrant festivity.
  • Rose Petals & Sunstone "Rejoice" Blessed Candle: Blessed by me and charmed with the essence of Rejoicing! Burn in ritual *see above Solstice ritual.
  • Sunstones: Possessing energy as bright and cheery as its vibrant aesthetic, the Sunstone crystal meaning is linked with the playful whimsy of childhood. While maintaining the daily stress of adulting in the modern world, Sunstone reminds us to keep a healthy balance between career demands and fun in the sun. As an all-around chakra cleanser, Sunstone is an essential addition to healing grids because it clears and activates all energy pathways, helping increase the power of the other stones. If you lack a sense of sweetness in your life, it's time to call on Sunstone crystal healing properties to evoke the notion of joie de vivre. Following the spirit of the time-honored proverb, Sunstone crystal healing properties gives you the guidance to turn your face towards the sun, letting the shadows fall behind you. Sunstone is a shining light of optimism, your celestial lighthouse that you can always count on to guide you to safety. 
  • Crystal Grid: This grid focuses on the sun rather than the moon this time to allow our minds to think about that which brings us life. The Oak trees grow in a mandala to symbolize growth in an earth-bound existence. 
  • Glitter: Sprinkle some faery dust on your Crystal Grid and on your hair on the Summer Solstice.
  • Rose Quartz: Though it’s thought of as the stone of love, it’s not just romantic love that rose quartz crystal embodies. The rose quartz stone meaning is one of unconditional love. The way it facilitates love entering your life is through it’s ability to bring your consciousness to a higher level. Helping you to forgive, understand and see fights or situations from a different perspective, rose quartz healing properties will imbue you with the wisdom to deepen your connection with your partner. In that same way, rose quartz properties provide gentle energy that assists you in recognizing your own need for compassion. It allows you to see that you deserve forgiveness and understanding from yourself. Associated with the element of water, rose quartz healing properties are naturally fluid. They wash out toxic energies and emotions that you have trapped inside of you. 
  • Fig Leaf: June's Tree. To be used in ritual or in your own version of Sycomancy. Sycomancy is a form of divination that uses a fig leaf to read omens for the future. The term is derived from the ancient Greek words for fig, sÅ«kon and for prophecy, manteia. The most common method of sycomancy involved writing a question or proposition on a fig leaf. If afterwards the leaf dried slowly, then it was thought to signal a positive answer; however if the leaf dried quickly, the answer was thought to be negative. *I've modified this practice above to not-so-much request an answer but to cast an intention and share gratitude with the sun. .Also how can one help oneself but enjoy the Fig Leaf for the touch of tongue and cheek play at the Christians for their use of the leaf to cover up Eve and Adam's naughty bits. Perhaps this is a good look for you too? Give it a try - I dare you ;)
  • Rose Petals: June's Flower. In tarot, the rose is considered a symbol of balance. The beauty of this flower expresses promise, hope, and new beginnings.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May TALISMAMA Crystal Creator Box

TALISMAMA Crystal Creator Subscription Box - May 

What an ENORMOUS energy from April 30's Pink Moon to the High-Holiday of Beltane on May 1!!! As we're still reeling from the intensity of April's Full Moon in Scorpio we now step into the celebratory time of mid-spring. Mid-Spring or Beltane (which is exactly opposite from Samhain and both very important holidays for most pagans) can be viewed as the union of the Goddess and the God or male and female energies (don't think gender or gender identity - think more archetypal, something everyone has both of). Male and female in this case can also symbolize spirit and matter, heaven and earth, and death and birth. Any time these two forces come together we really see the magick that is life. Our world and cosmos is created by these opposite forces and this balance is the IT to all that IS. 

So to honor this exciting time of the year-wheel the crystal grid is a little bit different than usual. This time I featured the Earth with the pagan pentagram. I did this because this is the time of year to take your shoes off, your clothes off, put your ego down, get dirty, start the party and fucking get your play on! 

It has been a hectic, heady, SUPER-intense year so far. Consciousness is growing from the eruption of transparent breakdowns going on in every aspect of our social lives. And now I am inviting you to RECEIVE the energy of the Earth and Universe - soak it in and rejoice all of your accomplishments of the year thus far. Take a moment to celebrate YOU. All that your being-ness brings to the table. Who depends on you? Who do you support? What are you creating? Who are you teaching? Who's student are you? Who loves being your lover? Who are you to your family, to friends? What gap would exist on Earth if you were to disappear? 

We can get so caught up in life that we forget to rejoice the fact that we are alive. I am so grateful for YOU and I am inviting you to make May a month of spending time in gratitude for YOU also. 

So let this box inspire you to provide your needed self-care, to touch and connect with nature, to have multiple orgasms and to have FUN!

Why? Because you're playing for BIG things! You're playing for your life. 

What's in the Box? And what do I do with it?
  • Prime My Body Hemp Oil: Use like butter - that is, often and with everything ;)
  • Ylang Ylang essential Oil Blend: Use to drop some surface stress and get playful
  • Sage: Burn during a ritual or celebration around Self Gratitude
  • Candle: Burn in ritual as you celebrate the unification of God and Goddess (place in the middle of your Crystal Grid)
  • Bag of Beach Sand + Shells: Add to your altar in a small vessel and/or sprinkle on your Crystal Grid. This is to remind you of summer fun that is around the corner, to ground you and to speak to your youthful spirit who will always love the beach!
  • Peacock Tail Feather (naturally dropped in Puru + blessed by a Shaman): Put this in your hair, wear on your clothes, stick in your hat - may this remind you to strut your shit like a Peacock this month - Celebrate YOU!
  • NOA KNAFO Visionary Card (Chosen for YOU by Sha Baby, Aerowynn Juniper): Meditate on what the card brings to mind first and then look up the cards meaning at -

Monday, January 8, 2018

Calling all Sha Mamas and Creatrix's...

Monthly Crystal Creator Subscription Boxes are HERE!

Monthly essentials for manifesting and staying in-tune with your power!

Introductory Prices - HUGE Value!!!

Choose a tier that works for YOU
(Basic $33.3) • (Premium $77.7) • (Deluxe $111.1)

All boxes include:
  • 1 Law of Attraction Year Calendar/Planner
  • Monthly Crystal Grid
  • 1 Master Crystal for Crystal Grid
  • 10 Mini Crystal Points for Grid
  • Monthly stone for Grid
  • Monthly Sage bundle or Resin

Premium includes all of the above PLUS:
  • Monthly Prime My Body Hemp Oil 
  • Monthly Seasonal Young Living Essential Oil Blend

Deluxe includes all of the above PLUS:
  • Custom Goddess Tag
  • Monthly Surprise Sweet Lovin Essences Gem and Flower Elixir

Find Out More